Alot of work has gone to the main character this week. We had a big meeting at the beginging of the week discussing schedule and other important things. The only problem i bumped in to was the attatchment of the head and the body (and still keep the detail). But after some time i managed to figure it out. I exported the head which i hade retopo inside of zbrush and then the lowpoly to maya, fixed up some small things in the topology over there, and finally i combined the highpoly head and body with subtoolmaster and exported the highres version to maya around 2.5milj polygons, right after i imported it to maya i exported it back to zbrush. Why i did this was due the fact that when i imported the lowpoly back in zbrush the size didnt match up with the highpoly, i have no clue why, but it seems that maya automaticly resized the lowpoly. Thats why i imported the highpoly so maya could resize it like it did with the lowpoly retopologized version. Back inside Zbrush i had 2versions (with the same size), one lowpoly with good topology and attatched head and one highpoly with bad topology and separated head. With retopotools in zbrush i did a projection to take the detail and apply it to the lowpoly.

After the body was done (its not done, its allways more fixing to do) i started on the armor. One problem we saw with the design was the huge hip armor, Its gonna be a big problem when animating her. I talked to our concept artist and art director and we came to a conclusion to split the armor piece into two pieces

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