First thing this week on the agenda was to go through the custom weapon pipeline. I made this in one day, i made a nice catgun as a placeholder. Basically a rifle with a cathead at the end (just for fun) I didnt change the weapon type just imported own grafics with own animations. The weapon type is up to my designer companions though ive learned alot about UT3 scripting it is mainly up to them. The grafics was a rather simple thing to do especially after you had done the character pipeline. The only tricky thing was the firstperson hands with the rotaion and everything. I managed tog get a hold of some nice bones for maya that works with ut3 core characters. One thing thats really annoying which i aint used to yet is the diffrent world axis in ut3 and maya, and the fact that you can rotate your mesh inside maya, in scriting and inside the editor. Sometimes thats just confusing, espacially since the original weapons seems to be rotates completly wrong at first glance.
Next thing was to start on the main character. I began with the head and the base is now done, then ive worked a bit on the body. But the body isnt near finished, i will keep on working on the body next week aswell
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